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Master electives guide

Dear master students,
In Q3 you can choose between 19 advanced electives,with no prescribed combinations. However, the electives are divided into four interests: circularity, energy, health, and nuclear. The electives are 3, 4, or 6 ECTS; you should follow 12 ECTS.

In this guide all the electives are described, some descriptions are written by teachers, and others are copied from the study guide. I hope this guide helps you with choosing your electives. For more information, there is also a master electives event during the lunch break on the 17th of January, in the Waterman and Korvezee hall. There will be teachers and TAs for most of the electives, to answer your questions and help you choose.

You can find the master electives guide here!

Kind regards,
Anna van Renesse
Commissioner of Education of the 130th Board of Technologisch Gezelschap


Royal Haskoning