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How can students express their opinion about matters considering MST and CE?

There are different kinds of committees for students to participate in. The most important education committees are the ‘Lecture Response Committee’ and the 'Board of Studies'. The Lecture Response Committee consists of student members who actively provide feedback from recent lectures to the commissioner of education of the board of Technologisch Gezelschap.
The Board of Studies consists of students and professors alike. Every change in the program directory has to be approved by this committee. The commissioner of education is also present on these meetings to communicate the feedback from the lecture response committees.
There is also the Facultary Student Council. They provide counsel on a broad range of matters within our faculty.
If you have any tips or complaints you can always contact us at or for facultary matters
Would you like to participate in one of the committees above? Ask the TG board in Applied Sciences C0.050 or email us.

When can I start my Bachelor/Master thesis?

For bachelor students this is when the student has successfully finished their first year courses, LO2, LO3 and has at least 18 points of the major specific ECTS.
For master students this is in dialogue with the program coordinator. You should also take a look at this brightspace page.

Where should I go if I have complaints about educational affairs?

In the first place you can always reach the commissioner of education with your complaints or advise. On second hand you could reach out to college response committee members. If those two don’t work you should talk to the program coordinator or an academic counsellor.

What should I do when my study is delayed due to sickness or personal troubles?

When this is the case you should contact an academic counsellor as soon as possible. Together you can figure out a way to continue your studies as good as possible. In some cases the TU Delft compensates your study delay.

Where can I find the schedule for my courses?

For the bachelor students the schedule can be found on the Brightspace page of our Bachelor Programme. For the master students the schedule can be found on the Brightspace page of our Master programme. 
The location for lectures and instructions can be found at
Other information about your courses can be found here.

Where can I buy books?

You can buy books at the TG website by clicking here. Not all books are available at once. Usually the website will be updated a few weeks before you would need them. If this is not yet the case you can contact the commissioner of education.
Furthermore you can buy books at the TU Delft central library and at the VSSD.

What can I expect when searching for a thesis project?

At first you should try to orientate yourself within the different research groups within Applied Sciences. Every year the wednesday of the last week of november TG organizes a 'Thesis Orientation Day'. On this day, the research groups present their research to you. Furthermore, you can contact a professor at the research department you would like and he will get you through the rest of the process. Don’t be scared to contact them directly most of them like a direct approach. For your convenience there is an overview of the research groups, their contact information and available thesis projects on the TG site. You can find that page here.
After some meetings you will be assigned to a project, usually with or from a PhD student. During your project a professor will be assigned as your mentor. He and the PhD student will keep track of your progress but don’t forget to keep them up to date as well.
Two weeks before the final presentation you should hand in your report and you will pick a date for your final presentation. This is where your mentor and two other professors will grade your project after a short thesis defence round.
More questions about your thesis project? Contact the commissioner of education!

How can I apply for an internship abroad?

For international internships you can contact the international office of the TU Delft. You could also ask the TG board if they recently got an offer for an international internship! You can find more information here.

Can I do an internship or thesis abroad?

Students are allowed to do their internship abroad. If you decide to do so, it is useful to talk this through with the study coordinator. You are not allowed to do more than three months of your Master thesis outside the section. If you would like to spend more than three months of your Master Thesis outside the section, permission must be asked of the exam committee. You can find more information here.

Is it allowed to do your internship before having done the course CPD?

Students are allowed to do their internship before having done CPD. The internship can be done during the time CPD runs.

Where can I get legal counsel?

For legal counsel you can contact the VSSD. However you should become a member to be able to apply for this. Luckily this is easily done. They can help you if you have any legal issues.

How should I handle a conflict with my professor?

At first you could contact the commissioner of education. You could also try a student counsellor or the program director. We advise you to do one of the above if the problem is serious.

Still got questions? Get in touch with us:

Contact Information
Technologisch Gezelschap 
Van der Maasweg 9 (C0.050)
2629 HZ Delft 

Tel. +31 (0)15-2784315


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