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Education information

The 'Technolgisch Gezelschap' (freely translated as Technological Association) was founded in 1890 with the purpose of bringing the industry in contact with Chemical Engineering students. The association has undergone various transitions since then and the position of TG between students, industry and the university has changed significantly. Since the 76thboard in 1969-1970, a full-time function within the board has been dedicated to education. This has increased the influence of TG in the TU Delft. 

Presently TG is positioned between students and the study programmes. The programmes associated with TG are MST and CE. The association collects the feedback from students and communicates this with the study programmes at different levels within the organisation. Relevant information from the study programmes is also communicated with the students. This two-sided stream of information is the basis of the most important task TG fulfils regarding education: quality assurance. The goal within education is to maintain and, where necessary, improve the quality to ensure that the value inherent to our diplomas are maximized. In the area of education, TG is represented by the commissioner of Education.


Gunvor Energy