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Lectures and cases

Next to the usual lectures, students always feel the need for additional information about technological, as well as different matters. TG organizes multiple lectures and cases throughout the year to accommodate these needs.

Often, lectures are planned during the lunch break. While an organisation or professor is telling an interesting (scientific) story, TG makes sure everybody is satisfied with a tasty free lunch.

The Technologisch Gezelschap has already organized a wide variety of lectures. Banks, chemical companies, consultants or professors, the possibilities are endless and, therefore, the lectures are perfect for the chemical engineer who wants to keep his or her eyes wide open to the entire range of options.

The lectures and case studies are not the only career events on the program at TG. Diners organised in collaboration with companies are also regularly held. These could, for instance, be specifically aimed at women or master students.

If you would like to know what lectures and cases are coming soon, please check out the calendar or come by the TG-residence for more information.


Royal Haskoning
Gunvor Energy