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Ladies Business Trip Antwerp

Ladies Business Trip Antwerp

Dear Ladies of TG,

It is finally time for the annual DaCie Business Trip to Antwerp! The trip will start off on Friday the 14th of October around lunch and Saturday evening you will be back in Delft. On Friday we will have a company dinner in Antwerpen and the DaCie also has a nice evening program planned after the dinner! On Saturday we will start off with a nice breakfast and a fun activity in the afternoon after which we will start our journey back to Delft. 

There are only 26 places so hurry and sign up quickly! The price of the trip is not more than €40,-, which you will pay for in a few days. Please note this is a Ladies event for all the female students in their second year of MST or above. 

Unfortunately refunds are impossible, so in case you are unable to attend the trip you will still have to pay for the full price (€40,- at most) of the trip since costs are already made for you.

Kisses from the Ladies Committee


Royal Haskoning