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Discord (online communication)

To imitate online education we have decided to host a discord server. That is an online communication platform on which you can hop on and off whenever you like! We have launched this server because at both MST and CE we are used to work a lot together. Now that we are forced to work at home this has become more difficult which is why we want to help. We hope to see you all there! 

How does discord work?
First of all I would advise to download the discord app via If you do not want to, you can also use discord in your browser. Below you can see a picture of the TG server. To join the server you simply have to click here. After or before you have joined you should make an account.  Now that you are in the server you should have a similar view as in the picture below. On the right you see everyone that has joined the server, whom are divided into members and admins. The three admins are Menno, Jim and Sven, feel free to ask us any questions about the server by clicking on our name and sending a (private) message. You can for instance also ask if you want us to create a text or voice channel. If you are wondering what they are, take a look to the sidebar on the left. Here you see the different voice channels (spraakkanalen in Dutch) for all the courses. In the voice channels you can talk to each other by simply clicking on the channel to join. As you can see Menno is currently in the general voice channel. You can always join to have a chat or ask questions. There are more voice channels than in this picture, which can simply be found by scrolling up and down. Scrolling up we find the different text channels in which you can chat, which is what you see in the middle of the screen. Discord can of course also be used to play games with each other like skribbl! Getting tired of all the notifications? Just turn them off by going to the settings on the left bottom. On the left bottom you can also leave a channel by clicking on the telephone with a cross and you can share your screen or your face by respectively clicking live gaan and video. 

Why have we chosen discord?
Mainly because it is a free platform where everybody can come and go whenever they like and hop on and off to different channels, asking questions to different people. You can always see who is online. Another big reason is the advanced audio settings. For that I would advise you to watch the following video: If you do not want to watch the whole video, start at minute 4. 

Hopefully the server will help you out and we see you guys more often, like in the old days when you all came by for coffee! (: 

Hint: No one around? Go into the general voice channel, so everyone can see that you are there, then someone will come eventually. 


Royal Haskoning
Gunvor Energy