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MScie Potluck dinner + Cantus - CANCELLED


Our master program has students from all over the world. This means all kinds of cultures with all kinds of food! And what is better than sharing food from your country with other people? 

The MScie organises the annual potluck dinner on Friday 13 March. For this dinner, everyone has to bring a meal from their own country, so we can share our traditional dishes. When our bellies are full, we will continue with a cantus. Together we will sing songs and have some drinks.

For only 3 euros you can join this amazing night!

If you can't pay with iDeal at the TG website, you can click on the ticket option 'Tickets MScie potluckdinner + cantus for people without iDeal' and transfer 3 euros to NL64 ABNA 0619 0181 00 and add in the description ' MScie potluckdinner + your name' . If you have any questions, please come to the TG office.


Mott MacDonald
Royal Haskoning