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Foreign Excursion Tour

Dear student,

In the summerbreak of 2017, the foreign excursion tour will go to Munich, Switzerland and Italy. In these countries we will visit several chemical companies, institutes and universities. The central theme of this journey will be circular economy and a case study of about 40 hours will be solved after the tour about this topic. The total costs for this tour will be determined soon, but will be between 400 and 500 euros for each participant. 

You can subscribe on this page till Januray 17th 2017 23:59! After this period, we will select the 25 best candidates. The requirements for our participants is the following:

  • Only members of Technologisch Gezelschap who are master, third year (or older) bachelor may register. They should have a chemical engineering background.
  • The maximum number of participants is 25, including committee- and board members.
  • If there are more than 25 candidates, a selection procedure shall take place. The outcome of the procedure will be known on the first of February. For more information on the selection procedure, see below.
  • Your participation is only final upon handing in a signed hardcopy of the participation contract.

 We are really looking forward to the tour and will give some updates soon!

Foreign Excursion Tour Committee 2017


Royal Haskoning